воскресенье, 25 октября 2020 г.

PhoneticFanatic - один из лучших каналов по английской фонетике

пятница, 3 января 2020 г.

существительное slew

slew /sluː/

 plural noun: slews

1) a large number or quantity of something.
  • He asked me a slew of questions.
  • A slew of crimes, allegedly commited by Venezuelans, have led to a new wave of  skepticism in the country.
  • The latest attack on Kyiv follows Zelensky's collection of a slew of fresh arms delivery pledges from Berlin, Paris and London, deepening a military arrangement between the West and Ukraine that has helped put Russia on the back foot.

2) a violent or uncontrollable sliding movement.
  • I was assaulted by the slew of the van.

глагол vie

vie /vʌɪ/  - compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.

3rd person present: vies /vaɪz/
past tense: vied /vaɪd/
past participle: vied
gerund or present participle: vying /ˈvaɪɪŋ/

  • The athletes were vying for a place in the British team.
  • Tech giants Google, Microsoft, IBM and others are vying to be the go-to providers.