воскресенье, 19 января 2025 г.

sing, thing

sing - /sɪŋ/

thing - /θɪŋ/

  •  She loves to sing about every little thing that makes her happy.
  • The first thing you notice about him is how beautifully he can sing.
  • Don’t sing if you’re not sure of the next thing in the lyrics.
  • Is it your thing to sing in the shower every morning?
  • He asked if I could sing, but singing is definitely not my thing.
  • One thing is certain: she’ll sing her heart out at the concert tonight.
  • If there’s one thing I know, it’s that she’ll always sing at family gatherings.
  • The best thing about a choir is how they sing in perfect harmony.
  • Can you sing that thing you were practicing earlier?
  • The only thing that made her feel better was hearing him sing her favorite song.


    • Sing: /sɪŋ/ - to produce musical sounds with the voice.

    • Thing: /θɪŋ/ - refers to an object, idea, or topic.

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