cattle - /ˈkæt.l̩/
kettle - /ˈkɛt.l̩/
- The rancher boiled water in the kettle while keeping an eye on the cattle grazing in the field.
- A large kettle was used to prepare soup for the workers herding the cattle.
- As the cattle moved closer to the stream, the kettle on the campfire began to whistle.
- The cowboy brought a kettle of coffee to the pasture where the cattle were resting.
- During the storm, the cattle huddled together while the kettle in the kitchen kept boiling.
- She could hear the cattle mooing in the distance as she poured tea from the kettle.
- After a long day tending to the cattle, the rancher enjoyed a cup of tea from the kettle.
- The old kettle was dented but still served its purpose near the cattle pen.
- While the cattle were being fed, the farmer filled the kettle to prepare his morning tea.
- The children played near the cattle as their grandmother brewed herbal tea in a black kettle.
• Cattle: /ˈkæt.l̩/ — Refers to large domesticated animals, such as cows, raised for meat or milk.
• Kettle: /ˈkɛt.l̩/ — A container used to boil water, often for making tea or coffee.
rancher - /ˈrɑːn(t)ʃə/ - хозяин ранчо
cattle pen - /ˈkæt.l̩ pɛn/ - загон для скота
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