понедельник, 7 октября 2024 г.

воскресенье, 6 октября 2024 г.

Фразовые глаголы с противоположным значением

Get up

to rise from a bed or a sitting position

I get up at 7 a.m.

Lie down

to recline or go to bed

I lie down to rest in the afternoon.

Put on

to dress in clothes

She puts on her coat.

Take off

to remove clothes

He takes off his shoes.

Turn on

to switch on a device

I turn on the TV.

Turn off

to switch off a device

She turns off the lights.

Pick up

to collect or lift something

He picks up the phone.

Drop off

to leave something or someone at a destination

I drop off the kids at school.

Sit down

to take a seat

Please sit down.

Stand up

to rise to your feet

Stand up when the teacher enters.

Wake up

to stop sleeping

We wake up early.

Fall asleep

to begin to sleep

We fall asleep quickly.

Give up

to stop trying

Don't give up on your dreams.

Take up

to start a new activity

She takes up yoga.

Put in

to place something inside

Put the money in the box.

Take out

to remove something

Take the book out of the bag.

Break down

to stop working

The car broke down.

Fix up

to repair something

They fix up the house.

Move in

to start living in a new place

We move in next week.

Move out

to leave a place you live in

They move out tomorrow.

Fill up

to make full

Fill up the tank with gas.

Empty out

to remove contains

Empty out the drawer.

Put together

to assemble

He puts the model together.

Take apart

to disassemble

They take the toy apart.

Calm down

to relax after being upset

Please calm down.

Cheer up

to become happier

Cheer up, it's a sunny day.

Look for

to search for

I look for my keys.

Find out

to get information about something

How did you found out about the school.

Run away

to escape

The dog runs away.

Come back

to return

He comes back home.

Go up

to rise

Prices go up.

Go down

to move down or decrease

The sun goes down.

Bring in

to bring something inside

Bring in the groceries.

Take away

to remove something

Take away the rubbish.

Speed up

to go faster

Speed up the car.

Slow down

to go slower

Slow down near the school.

Turn up

to increase volume or intensity

Turn up the music.

Turn down

to decrease volume or intensity

Turn down the heat.

Build up

to develop or increase

Build up your muscles.

Tear down

to demolish

They tear down the building.

Pick up

to lift something

Pick up the pen.

Put down

to place something down

Put down the pen.

Bring up

to mention a topic

She brings up an interesting point.

Drop off

to fall asleep or deliver something

He drops off quickly.

Get on

to board a vehicle

Get on the bus.

Get off

to leave a vehicle

Get off the train.

Set up

to arrange or establish

Set up the tent.

Take down

to dismantle or disassemble

Take down the decorations.

Come in

to enter

He came in the house.

Go out

to leave

Go out for a walk.

Put up

to hang or place something

He put up a poster.

Take down

to remove from a place

Take down the painting.

Call up

to phone someone

Call up your friend.

Hang up

to end a phone call

Hang up the phone.

Take off

to leave the ground (for airplanes)

The plane takes off at 6 pm.

Land in

to arrive at a specific location by plane

The plane lands in New-York.

Turn up

to arrive unexpectedly

She turn up at the party.

Turn down

to reject or refuse

He turn down the offer.

Go out

to leave home for social activities

They go out every weekend.

Stay in

to remain at home

I prefer to stay in tonight.

Break in

to enter by force

Someone tried to break in last night.

Break out

to escape

The prisoner broke out of jail.

Look up

to search for information

Look up the world in the dictionary.

Look down

to gaze downward or feel superior

He looks down from the balcony.

Give in

to yield or surrender

She gave in to the pressure.

Stand firm

to remain resolute

He stand firm in his beliefs.

Get in

to enter a place or a vehicle

Get in the car.

Get out

to leave a place or a vehicle

Get out off the room.

Put away

to store or tidy up

Put away your toys.

Take out

to remove or extract

The had to take out two trees.

Get together

to meet or gather

We get together every Friday.

Break up

to end a relationship

They decided to break up.

Take on

to accept challenge or responsibility

She takes on new projects.

Let go

to release or dismiss

He let go of his old habits.

среда, 24 апреля 2024 г.

Ошибки в произношении русскоязычных

 1. Русскоязычные часто допускают ошибки произнося звук /o/ вместо звуков / əʋ / (UK) и / oʋ / (US), например в словах:

both - bəʊθ

protest - ˈprəʊtɛst

И следует не превращать / əʊ / в / ɔː / : 

so итак səʊ - saw видел sɔː

low низкий ləʊ- law закон lɔː

bowl чаша bəʊl - ball мяч bɔːl

boat лодка bəʊt - bought купил bɔːt

close закрыть kləʊz - claws когти klɔːz

folk народ fəʊk - вилка fork fɔːk

show показать ʃəʊ - sure уверенный ʃɔː

tone тон təʊn - torn рваный tɔːn

foam пена fəʊm - form форма fɔːm

So I saw the boat he bought.  

səʊ aɪ sɔː ðə bəʊt hiː bɔːt

2. Произносят одинаково this и these, хотя произношение этих слов разное:

this colleague - ðɪsˈkɑliɡ

these colleagues - ðiz kɑliɡz

3. Произносят t как русскую т, хотя звуки различаются, например в предлоге:

to - tu

понедельник, 19 июня 2023 г.

How to beat procrastination

  •  Set Clear Goals: Start by setting clear and specific goals for your work. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones. Having clear objectives gives you a sense of direction and purpose, making it easier to stay motivated.

  • Prioritize Tasks: Prioritize your tasks based on importance and urgency. Identify the most critical tasks and tackle them first. This helps you focus on high-priority items and reduces the tendency to procrastinate on important work.
  • Create a Schedule or Routine: Establish a schedule or routine that outlines your work hours and specific tasks to be accomplished. Having a structured plan can help you stay on track and avoid wasting time on non-essential activities.

  • Use Time Management Techniques: Explore time management techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work in focused bursts followed by short breaks. This approach can increase productivity and prevent burnout.

  • Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Large tasks can feel overwhelming and lead to procrastination. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. By focusing on one step at a time, you'll make progress and build momentum.

  • Eliminate Distractions: Identify and minimize distractions in your work environment. Turn off notifications on your phone, close irrelevant browser tabs, and create a dedicated workspace that minimizes interruptions.

  • Use Productivity Tools: Leverage productivity tools and techniques to stay organized and focused. Tools like task management apps, time trackers, or project management platforms can help you stay accountable and track your progress.

  • Find Motivation and Inspiration: Understand what motivates you and find ways to incorporate it into your work. Whether it's setting rewards for completing tasks, finding inspiration from others, or visualizing the benefits of completing your work, tapping into motivation can help overcome procrastination.

  • Break the Cycle: When you find yourself procrastinating, take action to break the cycle. Start with a small, easy task to get your momentum going. Often, once you've started, it becomes easier to continue working.

  • Seek Accountability and Support: Share your goals and progress with colleagues or friends who can provide support and hold you accountable. Having someone to share your progress and challenges with can help you stay motivated and committed to your work.

Remember that beating procrastination takes time and effort. It's important to be patient with yourself and persevere through setbacks. Experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you. With consistent practice and discipline, you can overcome procrastination and become more productive.