воскресенье, 16 февраля 2025 г.

was, worth

was - /wəz/ 

worth - /wɜːrθ/

  • It was a decision that was worth making, despite the challenges.
  • He was unsure if the price was worth paying for such a rare item.
  • The effort she put into the project was worth the recognition she received.
  • It was a difficult choice, but in the end, it was worth the risk.
  • I didn’t know if it was worth attending the meeting, but I went anyway.
  • He was debating whether the investment was worth it in the long term.
  • The time I spent learning was worth the knowledge I gained.
  • They were wondering if the trip was worth the expense, given the weather.
  • She was questioning whether the effort was worth the reward.
  • It was an exhausting day, but the experience was worth it.

Pronunciation Differences:

    • Was: /wəz/ or /wʌz/ - The "a" is pronounced as a schwa or short "u," like in "fun".

    • Worth: /wɜːrθ/ - The "or" is pronounced as the "er" sound, as in "bird" or "her".

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