воскресенье, 9 февраля 2025 г.

hearing, herring

hearing - /ˈhɪərɪŋ/

herring - /ˈhɛrɪŋ/

  • I went to the hearing, but there was a strong smell of herring in the air.
  • During the hearing, they discussed the case while someone ate a herring sandwich nearby.
  • He was hearing about the great deal on fish, but all I could think about was the herring I had for lunch.
  • I couldn't hear clearly during the hearing because someone was talking about herring in the back row.
  • At the hearing, they talked about fish, but it wasn’t about herring - just general seafood.
  • While I was hearing about the new restaurant, I noticed they served herring as a specialty dish.
  • She had trouble hearing over the noise of the herring vendors in the street.
  • During the hearing, one witness mentioned herring as a popular local dish.
  • The hearing was about seafood regulations, but the herring caught my attention more than the legal arguments.
  • They were hearing evidence on the fishing practices, while a herring was served at the dinner table.

Pronunciation Differences:

    • Hearing: /ˈhɪərɪŋ/ - The "ea" in "hearing" is pronounced with a short "ee" sound, as in "ear".

    • Herring: /ˈhɛrɪŋ/ - The "e" in "herring" is pronounced as a short "e," like in "bed".

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