четверг, 7 ноября 2024 г.

coat, court, caught

coat - /koʊt/

court -  /kɔrt/

caught - /kɔt/

  • She wore a thick coat to the court and got caught in the rain on the way.
  • He caught a glimpse of his old coat lying on the court bench.
  • In court, the judge noticed the defendant’s coat and caught a whiff of perfume.
  • I caught a chill because I forgot my coat at the court entrance.
  • After he was caught speeding, he had to appear in court wearing his favorite coat.
  • The lawyer’s coat got caught on the door as he entered the courtroom.
  • The wind caught the edge of her coat as she waited outside the court.
  • He wore a formal coat in court and caught the attention of everyone there.
  • As they walked into court, her coat caught on a loose nail by the entrance.
  • He finally caught up with his friend outside the court, who was carrying his forgotten coat.

Key Differences:

    • Coat (an outer garment): /koʊt/, with a long "o" sound as in "boat".

    • Court (a place where legal cases are heard): /kɔrt/, with a rounded "or" sound as in "port".

    • Caught (past tense of "catch"): /kɔt/, with a similar "aw" sound as in "thought".

The main differences are in the vowel sounds, especially between the rounded "or" sound in court and the "aw" sound in caught, with coat having a distinct long "o." 

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