воскресенье, 16 февраля 2025 г.

lateral, literal

lateral - /ˈlætərəl/

literal - /ˈlɪtərəl/


  • The lateral view of the building was much more impressive than the literal one from the front.
  • The literal meaning of the phrase confused him, but the lateral interpretation made more sense.
  • In the literal sense, the term "lateral" refers to the side, but many people misunderstand its meaning.
  • The coach emphasized lateral movement in the drill, but the literal application of the strategy was still unclear.
  • She took a lateral approach to the problem, but I was focused on the literal details.
  • The literal translation of the wordlateral” doesn’t capture the full context of its use.
  • While the lateral line on the graph showed a steady increase, the literal numbers didn’t match up.
  • The literal interpretation of the rule may seem strict, but a lateral perspective would show its flexibility.
  • His lateral thinking skills are great, but he struggles with the literal aspects of the instructions.
  • In the lateral move, she could change departments, but the literal position remained the same.

Pronunciation Differences:

    • Lateral: /ˈlætərəl/  - The first "a" is pronounced like the "a" in "cat", and the "er" is pronounced with a schwa sound (/ə/).

    • Literal: /ˈlɪtərəl/  - The first "i" is pronounced like the "i" in "sit", and the "er" is again pronounced with a schwa sound (/ə/).

The main difference lies in the vowel sound in the first syllable: lateral has a short "a" (/æ/), while literal has a short "i" (/ɪ/).

lateral - /ˈlætərəl/  - боковой

literal - /ˈlɪtərəl/ - буквальный

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