пятница, 8 ноября 2024 г.

hair, heir

hair - /hɛr/

heir - /ɛr/

  • As the heir to the fortune, he could afford to style his hair however he liked.
  • She inherited her mother’s thick hair, just like she inherited her title as heir.
  • The heir brushed his hair carefully before the official ceremony.
  • With hair as striking as hers, the young heir was easy to recognize in a crowd.
  • They announced the heir to the estate while everyone admired his golden hair.
  • She was named heir to the throne, though her hair was still covered in paint from her art project.
  • The elderly king named his heir, a young man with jet-black hair.
  • Rumor has it the heir spends hours grooming his hair to maintain his royal image.
  • As the official heir, he worried about his responsibilities more than his hair.
  • Even the young heir, with his messy hair, felt the weight of his inheritance.

Key Differences:

    • Hair (the strands growing on a person's head): /hɛr/, similar to the sound in care.

    • Heir (a person who inherits): /ɛr/, with a silent "h," sounding identical to "air".

The primary distinction is that heir is pronounced without the "h" sound, while hair has a clear "h" sound at the start.

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