воскресенье, 20 октября 2024 г.

latter, letter, later

latter - /ˈlatə/

letter - /ˈlɛtə/

later - /ˈleɪtə/

  • I received the letter yesterday, but I’ll respond to it later; as for your suggestions, I prefer the latter.
  • The letter arrived much later than expected, and in the debate, I agreed with the latter argument.
  • He sent the letter, but later realized that the latter part of it needed more detail.
  • I’ll read the letter now and reply later, but keep in mind that I support the latter proposal.
  • She wrote a letter explaining her decision, but she plans to send it later after choosing between the two options, favoring the latter.
  • He found the letter hidden in a drawer, and later, he discovered that the latter pages were missing.
  • The letter mentioned two meetings; I can attend the later one, and I agree with the latter suggestions made.
  • I'll respond to the letter later, but for now, I want to discuss the latter half of your presentation.
  • I forgot to send the letter, so I’ll do it later, but I still think the latter solution is better.
  • After reading the letter, he realized that the later revisions were better than the latter half of the original draft.

  • Latter - /ˈlatə/ - последний, поздний, недавний.
  • Letter - /ˈlɛtə/ - письмо, буква.
  • Later - /ˈleɪtə/ - позже, позднее, поздно.

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