вторник, 22 декабря 2015 г.

среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

Saturday Night Live. Season 39: Episode 1: e-Meth


Meth Smoker #1
Like a lot of people, I love to smoke. But my friends and family always make me go outside to do it. So that's why I now use... [ he holds up electronic pipe ] e-Meth. It's crystal meth, but it's electronic, so it produces vapor instead of smoke. And that means I can ride the ice pony... anywhere I want. [ he puffs and smiles ] 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #2 ] 
Meth Smoker #2 Smoke is a social thing for me. Without my meth pipe, I don't know WHAT to do with my hands! [ he twiddles his thumbs ] But now I do know what to do with them: I smoke METH! [ he lights up his pipe, puffs, and chokes ] It's good! 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #3 ] 
Meth Smoker #3 Thanks to e-Meth, now I don't even need to leave the bar to get the sweet shabbu shabbu. Mama can smoke that chunky white crunch anywhere! At the office... [ footage: at the office ] At the grocery store... [ footage: stumbling around the grocery store ] In a bathtub in the middle of the road... [ footage: bathtub in road ] Or facedown in a big ol' tire. [ footage: facedown in big tire ] 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #2 ] 
Meth Smoker #2 And it's healthier because it doesn't contain antifreeze. But... it still has that great meth taste. 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #1 ] 
Meth Smoker #1 e-Meth lets me get totally gakked up on woop chicken, without yellowing my teeth. [ he pulls out a tooth ] See? Perfectly white. [ he holds the tooth to his ear ] What? Hello? This is he. 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #2 ] 
Meth Smoker #2 Thanks to e-Meth, I can now even smoke inside my favorite restaurant! 
Homeowner Excuse me, Sir? You can't smoke meth in here. 
Meth Smoker #2 [ laughing ] It's okay -- It's electronic!
Homeowner I don't care! You in my LIVING ROOM... and you NEKKID!! 

[ the Homeowner chases the half-naked man around his living room ] 
Announcer e-Meth is not for everyone. Talk to your doctor if you experience body rash, face swell, painful death, or fatigue. 

[ cut to Jesse Pinkman from "Breaking Bad" ] 
Jesse Pinkman e-Meth. You know it's good, 'cause it's blue, BITCH! 

[ fade ] 

the ice ponyсленг - стеклянная трубка, сосуд для употребления наркотиков
twiddleвертеть, крутить (бесцельно) 
shabbu shabbuяпонское блюдо - нарезанное мясо и овощи, к которым подается соус для макания
shabuсленг - наркотик Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
chunky1) короткий и толстый (о полене, ломте и т. п.)
2) коренастый (о человеке)
3) мохнатый, лохматый, ворсистый
4) содержащий кусочки; комковатый 
crunch1)  хруст; скрип, треск
2. (разг.) решающий момент; перелом; кризисная ситуация
  to come to the /a/ crunch - приближаться к развязке
  when the crunch came - когда наступил решающий момент
  in the crunch - в кризисной ситуации
3) (the crunch) фин. ограничение кредита
4) грызть с хрустом
  the dog was crunching a bone - собака грызла кость
  to crunch biscuit [toasts] - грызть сухое печенье [поджаренный хлеб]
5) хрустеть (на зубах)
6) раздавливать
  our feet crunched the gravel - у нас под ногами хрустел гравий
7) скрипеть, хрустеть (под ногами, колёсами)
  the snow crunched under the wheels - снег скрипел под колёсами

gakнаркотик: speed, meth, twick, crank, methamphetamine, Desoxyephedrine
whoop chickenнаркотик:  methamphetamine
swell1) возвышение, выпуклость, возвышенность; холм(ик); пригорок
  swells and valleys - холмы и долины
2) припухлость; вздутие 

понедельник, 30 ноября 2015 г.

Saturday Night Live. Season 39: Episode 19 : Wedding Toast

Wedding Toast

Father of the bride
So to my gorgeous daughter and new son-in-law Jeff, may this be the start of a fairy tale life. I mean, you already have the castle! [ he laughs heartily ] Have you seen their house? It's enormous! 
Emcee Father of the bride, folks! Next up, we have -- 
Kevin [ rushing in ] I'm sorry! Can I see that? Can I see that for a sec? [ he accepts the microphone from the father of the bride ] Thank you. Hey, sorry , I apologize for interrupting, but this is kind of one of those now-or-never moments. [ he breathes heavily ] Okay, Britney? Um... oh, my God, I'm shaking! Okay.  Uh... Seeing you there in that dress, getting married to that man... everything suddenly just became very clear! [ he catches his breath a few times ] I'm in LOVE with you! 
GuestOh, DAMN!! 
Kevin Please! Please, please, please! Just let me finish. From the moment that I saw you, I wanted you! But I BURIED it! And I can't any more! Life is just too short! So take a chance and run away with me! RIGHT now! I've called a taxi, it's outside! Don't worry about all these people, just follow your heart! Because, Britney Alice Tangier... I can TELL... that you FEEL the same way! 
Britney [ stunned ] Um... I... don't. I'm not really sure even where this is coming from, Kevin, because you and I have only hung out in group settings. So... sorry, but I do not have feelings for you... at all! 
Kevin [ flabbergasted ] Um... um... okay! I wasn't, I wasn't expecting that response! I-I-I-I don't know! [ slightly embarrassed, jumpy ] Sorry! Sorry, everybody! PARTY FOUL! Party foul on ME! Britney, it's all good! And, Jeff, I love you, man! I love you SO much! Okay! You know what? Can we just FORGET I ever came up here? BOOM!! Never happened! Wedding, guys! WEDDING OF THE CENTURY!! YEAH!! WE'RE HAVING FUN!! [ he rushes out ] 
Emcee Okayyyy, that was absolutely insane! Uhhh... moving forward here, it looks like next up is the toast from our Best Man and Maid of Honor -- uh, get on up here, Kevin and Jackie!

[ a slighly embarrassed Kevin walks back out with a noticably irked Jackie, as "You've Got a Friend in Me" plays ] 
Kevin Uhhh... Sorry. Sorry, my post is NOW. I thought it was a post-dinner thing, but... call it bad timing!

[ Guest nods his head in agreement ]
Kevin But it's all good, because we've all moved on! If anyone's laughing about this, it's the groom himself -- my cousin Jeff! What's up, bro! [ he laughs nervously, as Jeff stares stone-faced ] Alright, here we go! Okay! [ reading from his notes ] "When Jeff introduced me to Britney, I was like: 'How is this gonna work? She's a TEN, and he's, like, you know... JEFF!'" [ the guests shake their heads ] Right? Yeah, I know. That joke doesn't... play as HARD now. Uh... okay. Well, you know, the truth is... [ reading ] "The truth is, any guy would be lucky to have her as a..." You know what? I'm just gonna wrap it up. I'm gonna toss it over to the Maid of Honor -- my beautiful wife of six years... Jackie! She's just, like... like SO beautiful! 
Jackie [ awkwardly ] Hello. 
Kevin Whoooo!! JACKIE!! 
Jackie [ reading from her notes ] "Britney and Jeff. You have been... such amazing friends to Kevin and I."
Kevin Yeah... yeah...
Jackie "You are our two favorite goofballs..." 
Kevin Yeah!
Jackie "And the godparents to our four wonderful children."

[ the four kids stare open-mouthed and distraught ]
Kevin Hey, you guys! I love you guys! You guys are HILARIOUS, you're so fun! Are you guys okay? 
Jackie "So, yeah... I wish you as much success in your marriage as Kevin and I have in ours."
Kevin WHOO!!
Jackie "The End." [ she rips up her notes and walks away ] 
Kevin YEAH!! We're all so happy!! Okay! 
Emcee Best Man and Maid of Honor, folks! Let's hear it for them ONE time! [ no response ] Next! Can we get our lovely bride up to the stage! And, fellas -- just go ahead and join her! Yep! It's time for the garter toss!

[ Kevin runs back into the room ]
Guest Hey, hey, boy! SIT your ass DOWN!!
Kevin Absolutely!

[ fade ]

flabbergastedудивленный, ошарашенный
hang out  (разг.) постоянно бывать (где-л.); околачиваться, «ошиваться»
irk /ˈɜːk/надоедать, раздражать, надоедать, раздражать, докучать
groom1) жених
2) ( разг.)  готовить к определенной деятельности, карьере
3) ухаживать, холить
4) придворный
5) чистить лошадь
goofball1) придурок, растяпа, недотепа, дурень
2) косяк дури
distraughtсмятенный, расстроенный

четверг, 15 октября 2015 г.

get smb. to deal with smth. / make smb. deal with smth.

Выражения, чтобы передать, что кто то приказал, заставил или распорядился что то сделать:

  • get smb. to deal with smth. 
  • make smb. deal with smth.
В первом случае, т.е. с глаголом get, используют частицу to.

He got them to deal with smth.
He made them deal with smth.

воскресенье, 11 октября 2015 г.

Канадское и австралийское радио онлайн

На сайте Surfmusic можно найти списки радиостанций из разных стран, чтобы слушать и развивать способность понимать иностранную речь.

Много "разговорных" станций в канадском и австралийском списках:


воскресенье, 15 февраля 2015 г.

Matrix Player - плеер для метода Замяткина

 Для тех, кто учит иностранные языки с использованием метода Замяткина и имеет телефон или планшет на Андроиде, несомненно будет полезна программа Matrix Player.


вторник, 13 января 2015 г.

Экспрессивные выражения Much less и As it is

Much less - не то, что |  уж тем более | не говоря уже о том

You couldn't pay her to send a Christmas card. Much less visit. - Вы не могли бы заплатить ей (чтобы) послать рождественскую открытку. Не говоря уже о том, чтобы посетить.

They wouldn't see a nuclear explosion if they were looking for it. Much less a flare. - Они не увидили бы ядерный взрыв, если бы они искали его. Уж тем более (сигнальный) огонь.

Сause a real whore can't admit it to herself. Much less others. - Потому что настоящая распутница не признается в этом себе. Не то, что другим.

One of the nuns told us that some of this children had never actually seen a toy. Much less had one of their own. - Одна из нянь рассказывала нам, что некоторые из этих детей никогда фактически не видели игрушку. Не говоря уже о том, чтобы имели свою собственную (игрушку).

You don't know what to look for in the first cut, much less how to fix one. - Ты не знаешь что искать в первом отрезке, уж тем более как склеить это.

I couldn't see him, much less speak to him. -  Я не то что увидеть, поговорить с ним не мог.

The baby can't walk, much less run. - Младенец не может ходить, не то что бегать.

They can't afford a meal in a cafe, much less a vacation. - Они не могут позволить себе поесть в кафе, не говоря уже об отпуске.

As it is - и так

She's had hard enough couple of days as it is.  - Она и так имела пару достаточно тяжелых дней.

I'm having a hard enough day as it is...  - У меня и так тяжелый день...

People are scared enough as it is.  - Люди и так достаточно напуганы.

And we're pushing our luck as it is. - И мы и так испытываем нашу судьбу.

The budget is stretched thin as it is. - Бюджет и так растянут.

I feel awkward enough as it is. - Я и так чувствую (себя) неловко.

People are tired as it is, let's stop and make a camp here. - Люди и так устали, давайте остановимся и разобьем лагерь здесь.

He is upset as it is, do not tell him about it. -  Он и так расстроен, не говори ему об этом.


- He seems in remarkably good shape for a 76-year-old, much less one who has been locked up since June 29, 2011 -- the day he was arrested in Seattle.   (CNN news article)
- Indeed Hendron's mother didn't even know he was gay, much less that he took drugs, until she read about it in the Daily Mail. (CNN news article)