вторник, 22 декабря 2015 г.

среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

Saturday Night Live. Season 39: Episode 1: e-Meth


Meth Smoker #1
Like a lot of people, I love to smoke. But my friends and family always make me go outside to do it. So that's why I now use... [ he holds up electronic pipe ] e-Meth. It's crystal meth, but it's electronic, so it produces vapor instead of smoke. And that means I can ride the ice pony... anywhere I want. [ he puffs and smiles ] 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #2 ] 
Meth Smoker #2 Smoke is a social thing for me. Without my meth pipe, I don't know WHAT to do with my hands! [ he twiddles his thumbs ] But now I do know what to do with them: I smoke METH! [ he lights up his pipe, puffs, and chokes ] It's good! 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #3 ] 
Meth Smoker #3 Thanks to e-Meth, now I don't even need to leave the bar to get the sweet shabbu shabbu. Mama can smoke that chunky white crunch anywhere! At the office... [ footage: at the office ] At the grocery store... [ footage: stumbling around the grocery store ] In a bathtub in the middle of the road... [ footage: bathtub in road ] Or facedown in a big ol' tire. [ footage: facedown in big tire ] 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #2 ] 
Meth Smoker #2 And it's healthier because it doesn't contain antifreeze. But... it still has that great meth taste. 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #1 ] 
Meth Smoker #1 e-Meth lets me get totally gakked up on woop chicken, without yellowing my teeth. [ he pulls out a tooth ] See? Perfectly white. [ he holds the tooth to his ear ] What? Hello? This is he. 

[ cut to Meth Smoker #2 ] 
Meth Smoker #2 Thanks to e-Meth, I can now even smoke inside my favorite restaurant! 
Homeowner Excuse me, Sir? You can't smoke meth in here. 
Meth Smoker #2 [ laughing ] It's okay -- It's electronic!
Homeowner I don't care! You in my LIVING ROOM... and you NEKKID!! 

[ the Homeowner chases the half-naked man around his living room ] 
Announcer e-Meth is not for everyone. Talk to your doctor if you experience body rash, face swell, painful death, or fatigue. 

[ cut to Jesse Pinkman from "Breaking Bad" ] 
Jesse Pinkman e-Meth. You know it's good, 'cause it's blue, BITCH! 

[ fade ] 

the ice ponyсленг - стеклянная трубка, сосуд для употребления наркотиков
twiddleвертеть, крутить (бесцельно) 
shabbu shabbuяпонское блюдо - нарезанное мясо и овощи, к которым подается соус для макания
shabuсленг - наркотик Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
chunky1) короткий и толстый (о полене, ломте и т. п.)
2) коренастый (о человеке)
3) мохнатый, лохматый, ворсистый
4) содержащий кусочки; комковатый 
crunch1)  хруст; скрип, треск
2. (разг.) решающий момент; перелом; кризисная ситуация
  to come to the /a/ crunch - приближаться к развязке
  when the crunch came - когда наступил решающий момент
  in the crunch - в кризисной ситуации
3) (the crunch) фин. ограничение кредита
4) грызть с хрустом
  the dog was crunching a bone - собака грызла кость
  to crunch biscuit [toasts] - грызть сухое печенье [поджаренный хлеб]
5) хрустеть (на зубах)
6) раздавливать
  our feet crunched the gravel - у нас под ногами хрустел гравий
7) скрипеть, хрустеть (под ногами, колёсами)
  the snow crunched under the wheels - снег скрипел под колёсами

gakнаркотик: speed, meth, twick, crank, methamphetamine, Desoxyephedrine
whoop chickenнаркотик:  methamphetamine
swell1) возвышение, выпуклость, возвышенность; холм(ик); пригорок
  swells and valleys - холмы и долины
2) припухлость; вздутие